The Brain, Physical And Mental Health Risks Of Being Sedentary, And What To Do About It


In today's technology-driven society, a sedentary lifestyle has become more prevalent than ever...

Born To Walk: The Physical Health, Mental Health, And Cognitive Performance Benefits Of Walking


Walking, often overlooked as a form of exercise, is a simple and accessible activity with numer...

Your Guide To Living a Values-Based Life


Living a values-based life entails consistently aligning one's actions, decisions, and behaviors ...

Changing Your Brain: Your Guide To Self-Directed Neuroplasticity


Self-directed neuroplasticity refers to the intentional and purposeful modulation of the brain's ...

Device Use At Night Disrupts Sleep And Impacts Your Health


The impact of light exposure prior to sleep is a significant issue that has become increasingly p...

Reduce Stress With Gratitude


Stress is a serious issue!

In fact, stress is a major contributing factor to the six leading cau...

Suppressing Negative Emotions: The Good, The Bad (And The Alternative)


Emotions are a driving force in our life. One such example, that I think most of us can relate to...